I've been keeping up with my base fitness throughout 2011, but now it's time to get serious.
I'm on a very regimented 20 week build up plan to the Ironman which started last week.
It's starting out pretty easy-only 8 hours for the week. The point is consistency.
"If you can handle this first week of training everyday, you're fitness level is adequate to begin The Plan."
This week will step up to 9 hours. The workouts usually consist of two disciplines. Tomorrow will be a 2600m swim followed by a 45 minute (5 mile) run.
I've also gotten all my fitness supplements totgether: Whey Protein shake, Complex Carb shake, Soy shake, glutomine, glucosamine chondroitin, vitamin C, fish oil, and flax seed.
All of this, plus NOT OVERDOING IT should keep me on the path of Injury-free-quick-recovery.
I will NOT be playing any basketball this year, nothing extra that can risk an injury... except for horseback riding. Jeez... That's probably the most dangerous thing of all... oh well.